Meet Zara Ethell

Behaviour Support Practitioner

Why were you drawn to studying Psychology?

I was originally drawn to study psychology as I've always found myself wondering questions like 'why?' - why individuals act in certain ways or respond to situations in particular manners. Yet, I quickly discovered that simple answers weren't satisfying enough for me. I just constantly needed to understand more and more and at a deeper level. Now at each stage on my psychology journey I am just further amazed at what the mind can do. It truly is the most powerful resource we have.

What do you enjoy about your work, and what are you interested in or fascinated by?

What I enjoy most about my work is the opportunity to make a positive impact on someone else’s life. My role allows me to empower people to achieve things that maybe they once didn’t believe that they could. I find what motivates people’s actions really fascinating, and I love helping individuals understand their own reasons behind what they do. 

What drives you to show up for yourself and your clients in this role?

I have a real passion for helping people recognise their true potential and to push themselves to do more than they thought was capable. Witnessing the transformative journey of self-discovery and growth in others is incredibly fulfilling for me, and it serves as a powerful motivation to consistently show up and provide the support and guidance needed to facilitate their personal development.

What have people said about your approach to this work?

People have said that my approach to this work is very person-centred.
People often highlight my ability to truly connect with individuals on a personal level, creating a supportive and empathetic environment where they feel understood and valued. By actively listening to their concerns, validating their experiences, and collaborating with them to set meaningful goals, I strive to empower each person to take ownership of their journey towards more independence and fulfillment in their life.

  • Ideas, strategies and resources from:

    Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)

    Behavioural Science

    Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics (NMT)

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

  • I have worked for 3 years as a support worker for people with disabilities. I am working as a Positive Behaviour Support Practitioner, and have received specific training in trauma-informed and developmentally-sensitive approaches to Behaviour Support.

  • Certificate of Engaging in Positive Behaviour Support Practices - Monash University.

    Currently in 3rd year of Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) - University of Wollongong (UOW)

    NDIS Registered Behaviour Support Practitioner

Zara Ethell Behaviour Support Practitioner