Meet Elisha Honey

Why were you drawn to studying Psychology?

Psychology is a great field as it combines working directly with people and scientific evidence-based practice. I love the way in which it allows me to build meaningful therapeutic relationships with people and their support networks, while also allowing me to use my theoretical and academic background to write reports, hypothesise and create evidence-based treatment plans.

What do you enjoy about your work, and what are you interested in or fascinated by?

I love working with a wide range of people from different backgrounds and with different experiences. I learn so much from the people I work with and am always fascinated by people's different worldviews and how our experiences shape the people that we are.

What drives you to show up for yourself and your clients in this role?

I pride myself on being an advocate for my clients, especially those who can't advocate for themselves. I think that everyone should have the same basic human rights including the right to respect and to lead a fulfilling life, and keeping my clients individualized goals and strengths in mind always motivates me to consistently stand up for and with them.

What have people said about your approach to this work?

My colleagues and people I have worked with praise my:

  • Ability to form meaningful, therapeutic relationships with those I work with

  • Focus on individualised support and tailoring my approach to each client and their support networks needs

  • Professionality and detail-oriented approach to report writing

Behaviour Support Practitioner

  • My approach to positive behaviour support is highly individualised and client centred. The areas I value most and work to improve with my clients and their support networks are their:

    • Quality of Life

    • Safety

    • Choice and Control

    • Functional Communication

    I always work with the client and their support network to develop interventions and treatment plans that are culturally appropriate and mindful of the individuals’ capacity, circumstances, and goals.

  • I have over 5 years of experience in the disability sector working with a range of people of different ages, cultural backgrounds, family types, disabilities, mental health diagnoses, and behaviours.

    This experience includes:

    • Positive behaviour support working with people aged 3-90 with a range of disabilities and mental health disorders.

    • Support work in supported accommodation, day programs, in home care, and community support for children and adults with a primary diagnosis of intellectual disability

    • Childcare specialising in working with children aged 0-6 who required complex behavioural, physical, and cognitive support.

    My special Interest areas Include:

    • Early Childhood

    • Mild to Severe Intellectual Disabilities

    • Autism Spectrum Disorder

    • Complex Communication Needs(non-verbal, AAC devices, key word sign, visuals)

    • Graduate Diploma of Psychology (Advanced) - University of Adelaide (2023)

    • Bachelor of Psychological Science - University of Wollongong (2021)

    • Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care - St George and Sutherland Community College (2020)

    • NDIS Registered Proficient Behaviour Support Practitioner

Elisha Honey Behaviour Support Practitioner